VIP Day Exclusive Booking2023-06-02T09:47:31-06:00

VIP Day Exclusive Booking

Elevate your online presence in just one day! A streamlined service to fast-track your website design, content updates, or tech setup!

Say Goodbye To…

  • Long timelines when you need a quick turnaround
  • Endless back and forth emails
  • Large investments for more work than you need

Say Hello To…

  • Having everything you need completed in one day
  • Quick and painless real time communication
  • A beautiful and functional result at an affordable price

Who is this a good fit for?


Side-hustlers, startups, or newer brands who need elevated work done by an expert so they can get back to growing their business.

Established companies looking for the help of a professional to overhaul, update or rebrand their existing website so they can get back to working ON their business and not IN it.

Sound like you?

How It Works

So, What Can We Accomplish?

Have something else in mind?

Just ask! Or if you’re looking for a more custom in-depth project, schedule a FREE CONSULT CALL to chat about your needs and what a realistic timeframe will be.

An Important Note…

When you book your VIP day you’re booking my time, not a specific set of deliverables.

Your scheduled day is dedicated to your project and your project only.
All of my focus is going to be on YOU!

Every VIP Day is unique and your time slot will be tailored to your specific needs and goals in order to achieve the best results possible.

Your VIP Day includes…

  • 1 hour kick-off strategy call before our day together
  • 1 full day (6 hours) of my time, dedicated to you

  • Post VIP Day wrap-up walkthrough video
  • 30 days of post-VIP Day email and messaging support (for questions/tech issues)

Still not quite sure if this model is for you? SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULT

Still not sure if a VIP Day is the way to go?

This process may be right for you if..

  • You have a clear idea of what you want.
  • You are good at being decisive.

  • You’re ready to prioritize creating your task list and gathering all the elements.

  • You are open-minded to receiving advice and guidance.

This process may NOT be right for you if..

  • You have no idea what you want your website to achieve.
  • You are indecisive or need to consult others when making decisions.
  • You feel that gathering all the elements together will be a struggle.
  • You require advanced functionality.

If this isn’t right for you, there may be another service that is.
See what else I offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if we don’t get everything done in 1 day?2022-05-12T22:50:57-06:00

99% of the time I can complete the work we determined together to be your priority on your VIP Day. However, occasionally clients will want to book another half or full VIP Design Day in order to finish more items from their wish list (secondary to their priority list) that we couldn’t get to that day.

What is my prep work and what if I don’t complete it on time?2022-05-12T23:30:31-06:00

My scheduling software does not allow you to book less than 14 days out, therefore you will have at LEAST two weeks to complete your prep work. Depending on the nature of your VIP Day task list, this could include providing things such as copy, imagery, granting administrator permissions, login details, branding, strategy information, etc. If your prep work is unfinished, then it will have to be done during your 6 hour VIP Day and can severely impact the work that we are able to complete. (Remember, you are not hiring me for deliverables, but to have exclusive access to my time.) I do understand that life happens and if you aren’t done in time, there is an option to reschedule your day once. (Fees may apply dependent on amount of notice. Full details outlined in the terms and conditions prior to booking.)

Why should I hire you?2022-05-12T23:40:44-06:00

Fair question! There are SO many incredibly talented web designers, developers and other creatives out there and I encourage you to check them out! I wouldn’t ever want to work with someone who didn’t truly believe that we were a good fit. If you’re feeling unsure, please schedule a free consultation call so we can suss each other out and make sure we are moving in a direction that is beneficial for us both! With that being said, I pride myself at tackling each project as not just a designer, but as a small-business owner/entrepreneur myself. (Not to mention, as a developer with 10+ years of technical knowledge and coding skills under my belt.) I believe that I have all of the experience necessary to ensure that your website meets your business goals! You can learn more about me and my journey here.

Hey! I’m Kaila!

Nice to meet you!

I’m a location independent, dachshund loving, ukulele playing, website developer!

I thrive off connecting with other small business owners and building them websites that look good, function well and allow them to streamline their processes so they can spend more time growing their companies than working within them.

I understand the hustle of wearing all the hats and the passion of having a business ‘baby’ – and it brings me joy being able to pass on the things I’ve learned along my own entrepreneurial journey.

Let me do the stuff I’m good at so you can get back to doing the stuff you’re good at (and LOVE!)

What My Clients Are Saying

Kaila is quite possibly one of my favourite people to work with. Punctual. Attentive. Creative. I also appreciate that if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find out or bring in the right people that do.

Mālie Oriana

I had no idea what I wanted or needed for a website – I just wanted it to be easy for potential clients to navigate and pretty. Her results blew me away. I feel my website is completely me, it captures the essence of my business and doesn’t look anything like other websites I’ve seen.

Payton Patterson

Kaila ultimately set me up for near-immediate success as a small business owner. My website quickly caught the attention of my biggest clients to date, and continues to convert visitors into valuable connections and contracts.

Zane Buchanan

Kaila, will always give you her highest attention and make you feel like you are her only client. She is efficient with her time and will give you her honest opinion on your ideas. She is thorough, honest and has become an integral part of our business.

Derek Wu

Kaila was amazing to work with and helped me make my vision of what I wanted in a website come to fruition. Kaila is very professional and understanding. She made it very easy for me to learn how to run my website on my own after it was completed. (This was a huge worry for me!) Would highly recommend!!!

Megan Anderson

Want to see more?

Take a peek at my some of my recent projects.
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